Monday, January 24, 2011

A Trip To Wal-Mart

A good story in my world always starts out "So I went to Wal-Mart today and...". Hey I'll even admit to sometimes thinking 'I sure hope I don't end up on Peopleofwalmart today' when I don't feel like getting out of my PJs. But as I was struggling my way through Wal-Mart today I realized just how much has taken place for me there.
When I first moved into town friends and I would go there at all hours of the night, simply because there was nothing else to do. We'd try on silly hats, play with toys and wonder around aimlessly. Yeah, we were those hooligans (although much better behaved than most). In high school we went to Wal-Mart in our Prom attire. Went there way too many times a week just because there was nothing else to do. And I even recall sitting in Wal-Mart in the middle of the night in my PJs and watching a movie on the big screen TV. The cops even stopped to chit chat with us and catch some of the movie! When Wee Man's father began lying to me, I spent nearly an entire night at Wal-Mart with friends to help stop the tears and hurt. And now as I struggle my way through Wal-Mart I find myself running into everyone I know stopping to coo at my handsome little man. His big blue eyes and captivating smile make it impossible to go anywhere without getting stopped. When I'm trying to push a cart, shop and carry a baby I find myself so filled with emotions; I get angry at his father for leaving me with all of this on my own, proud of myself for doing it on my own and just plain drained. I feel like that good ole Wal-Mart has watched me grow up....

2 thoughts:


:) :) :) :)


HA! How many times do I say that to you?? "So I went to Wal-Mart today..." :)

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